Neil Niren MD: James Bond turns 50 years – why the series should never end

In 1954 Ian Fleming’s novel Casino Royale was adapted into an episode of the anthology television series on CNN, CBS “Climax”. Dr Neil Niren starts this text explaining the main role in the episode had Barry Nelson in the role of “Jimmy Bond” and was generally despised by all who had read spy novels Fleming (including the Fleming). An actor that looks like Cary Grant in the role of Bond may have sounded good television producers, but it was a nail in the coffin of the film potential of the character.


Fortunately, Neil Niren knew that Fleming had fans were aware of the potential James Bond. After several unsuccessful attempts at the Fleming, the late 50’s producers Albert Broccoli and Harry Kabi Salzmann has bought the film rights to Bond and began the journey that would later result in the first adventure of James Bond on the big screen: “But Dr. “with then unknown Sean Connery in the lead role, and the premiere took place on 5 October 1962. Action movies will never be the same.


Decades after the instant success of “Dr. No” faith of Broccoli and Saltzman, 007 still does not wobble. Neil Niren describes the fantastic performance of Sean Connery in the role of casual killer put her audiences worldwide, but even after he left the series after the movie “Diamonds are forever”, Bond survives. Other actors took over the role of James Bond and made her own, and it became clear that the core of the series is not a film star, but perfect character. Missions could happen anywhere at any time, until Bond has integrity. Adaptability is something that Hollywood is known, but it is precisely the reason for the success of the five-decade old Broccoli and Saltzman.

Not all Bond films critically and financially successful, but persistence and demand in the face of pop culture thus provide probably the best series of all time. Neil Niren Connery starts the adventures of 007 reflecting the development time as few other things – through the lens of the movie camera can see the evolution of the world. “But Dr.” and the next movie, “From Russia with Love” are crammed with politics and the threat of the 1960s – the Connery manages to balance the horrors of the time and all that “sneak” as entertainment. “In the service of Her Majesty” from 1969, the only matching Lasenbi George in the role of Bond, it is psychedelic in sufficient dose. “Moonraker” I took Bond Roger Moore in his own sci-fi adventure – two years after “Star Wars” has fascinated virtually all the world movie lovers, both young and old. Timothy Dalton has accepted the policy of the Cold War “Living Lights” and made cynical Bond action hero for which even the audience was not sufficiently prepared. Films continued high budget action and matched action blockbusters through 90 with fantastic Pierce Brosnan as Bond in combination with high-tech hearing. After Sept. 11 global conflicts reduced the strength of the bond. Again, Neil Niren explains they demanded realism. Daniel Craig was the perfect man for the job.


After a while Saltzman broke professional cooperation with Broccoli (“The Man with the Golden Gun” from 1974 was their last joint project) and Broccoli died immediately after the premiere of “Goldeneye”, but what we built together meant that there will always be someone who will take the relay and will run the race for Bond. Kabi daughter, Barbara Broccoli and her half-brother Michael G. Wilson continued to keep the film heritage of 007, and more importantly, the vision of Fleming character, says Niren.


Over the years, the Bond series had errors (such as the number of various costumes featuring Moore in the 70s and 80s), but it is difficult to imagine a world without this character. Every month we see one or two big film hits, but 50-year history of the Bond sequel gives any weight, which ordinary action movies cannot imitate. Neil Niren MD finishes with the thought that even when the films are colorful and unintelligent (hard to feel an emotional connection with a film like “Die Another Day”, where James Bond is struggling with poor North Korean who lives in a castle of ice and is determined to conquer the world with top space), they have a huge cultural significance, holding the role of a mirror of who we are and what we expect from the party. It is exhausting role, but if anyone can handle it, it’s Bond. James Bond.

Neil Niren MD: James Bond turns 50 years – why the series should never end

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